Monday, December 30, 2013

Here's to a techy 2014!

It's been an awesome semester of piano lessons, thanks to many incredible students and their dedicated parents! Thank you, all! 

In an attempt to be more tech-y and make communication easier in the new year since my schedule is a bit hectic between SC/NC, I'm trying a few new things beginning January, 2014:

-Email communication: I've sent messages requesting email addresses from students/parents so I can more easily send newsletters/reminders, and also an invitation to the Google+ profile, which allows us to share documents/pictures from recitals/etc., privately. 

-Calendars for each month: Will include events, my schedule, changes in schedule, holidays, etc. These will be emailed to you directly, as well as a link posted to this blog and to the Elizabeth's Piano Studio Facebook Page and will available for download from all venues. I write the calendars on a Mac computer, so they may upload a little quirky to GoogleDocs...I'll work on that. :)

-The Keyboard Discoveries Blog: Will have occasional fun 'assignments' for the students (which will be notated in their assignment books), and other things for students/ways they can make up for lost practice time during the week! Be sure to follow the blog so you will be notified of the most recent post. 

-Be sure to check the Studio Facebook page: Elizabeth's Piano Studio for updates, pictures, etc.!

I'm also working on getting a professional/official website up and going, so I'll let you know about progress on that. 

Here's to another terrific semester and great start to the 2014 year!

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